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2015 Conference

The 11th Annual CamTESOL Conference was held at the Institute of Technology Cambodia (ITC). The conference ran all day on Saturday 28 February and the morning only of Sunday 01 March 2015. The theme of the conference was English: Building Skills for Regional Cooperation and Mobility.

The conference was opened by H. E. Minister Hang Chuon Naron of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), H.E. Alison Borrows, Australian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia, and Ms Julie Chung, Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy to Kingdom of Cambodia. Registration for the conference totalled 1,721, among whom 680 participants came from around 33 countries specifically for the event. There were 427 provincial teachers at the conference sponsored by various individual and institutional donors.

The CamTESOL and UECA Regional ELT Research Symposium was held at the Cambodian Korean Cooperation Center (CKCC) all day on Friday 27 February. It was attended by 215 participants from 18 countries with 38 presentations given. Notably, the Symposium attracted high quality researchers including PhD students, researchers and professors. More than 50% of the participants were resident in Southeast / East Asia, which made the Symposium truly regional.

The CamTESOL and NEAS Regional ELT Leadership Forum was held at the Cambodiana Hotel on the afternoon of Friday 27 February. It was attended by 55 participants from 12 countries. Most of the attendants are managers and leaders in the ELT field from Southeast / East Asia. This forum has provided a platform for regional managers and leaders to learn and share best practices in ELT management, and provide a networking opportunity.

Additional activities included:

• Orientation Program for teachers from the provinces
• Presenters’ Warm Up Reception
• Educational Site Visits
• Conference Dinner

The conference had a total of over 400 presentations including papers, workshops and posters. The conference speakers include:


Plenary Speaker

 Dr. Willy A Renandya

 Senior Lecturer
 ELT Department 
 National Institute of Education

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Main Conference Plenary Presentation
Building English language skills for international mobility

In this presentation, Dr. Renandya will discuss several key factors that need to be included in a language programme to ensure that students achieve a minimum proficiency needed to function in the world today. He has selected eight factors that, in his opinion, are fairly uncontroversial and quite widely accepted by contemporary L2 researchers and practitioners. These factors are believed to play a critical role in facilitating EFL students’ language development. When these eight factors (i.e. a sufficient amount of comprehensible input, opportunity for meaningful language use, sufficient motivation to learn, attention to the development of core vocabulary and grammar, sufficient practice to develop fluency in the receptive skills, exposure to formulaic language, and reasonable intensity of instruction) are fully operationalized in the language curriculum, there is a good chance that the percentage of students in school who acquire a working proficiency in English can be increased.

Regional Research Symposium Plenary Presentation
Current L2 research and its impact on teaching and learning

In this presentation, Dr. Renandya will first provide an overview of research within L2 learning, focusing in particular on research topics that in recent years have become active areas of enquiry within the broad fields of TESOL and Applied Linguistics. One such area is research into English as an International language (EIL) or English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). The second part of his talk focuses on the more established areas of SLA research, highlighting key research areas that have more direct impact on L2 learners’ language acquisition. Dr. Renandya will offer suggestions on research areas that could be fruitfully explored to further inform L2 learning. These include research into L2 motivation, L2 input, and fluency development, which he believes deserve more research attention from those who are serious about helping L2 learners build functional English language skills.

RENANDYA A Willy is a language teacher educator with extensive teaching experience in Asia. He currently teaches applied linguistics courses at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has published extensively, including an edited book Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice (CUP, 2002, 2008). His latest publications include Essential factors affecting EFL learning outcomes (English Teaching, 2013) and Motivation in the language classroom (in press, TESOL International).


Plenary Speaker

 Mr. Dieter Bruhn

 President and Founder
 One World Training

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Main Conference Plenary Presentation
Creating engaging and dynamic classrooms

Teachers are often encouraged to create more engaging and dynamic classes, but what are some concrete ways to achieve this? In this enlightening and lively plenary, participants will be presented with a number of useful tips and strategies that foster more captivating and enriching classrooms. Dieter will begin by taking a humorous look at traditional, teacher-centred education and will then move on to the role of the teacher as facilitator in a more learner-centred environment. Following that, a number of exciting avenues that lead to more dynamic classes will be explored and practical tips will be provided to inspire a new generation of teachers.

BRUHN Dieter has been active in international education and training for more than 20 years. He is President and Founder of One World Training, where he specializes in teacher training, cross-cultural training, Business English, and curriculum and instructional design. He also runs several graduate preparatory programs for international students at the University of Colorado in the United States. In addition to the US, he has worked in Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Korea, Japan, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica and Germany. Dieter has authored and co-authored several books, and he has presented at numerous local, regional and international conferences, where his dynamic presentations have inspired thousands of teachers. He has also served on the Executive Board of Colorado TESOL for the past nine years, including two years as President.


Plenary Speaker

 Dr. Anne Burns

 Professor of TESOL
 University of New South Wales

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Regional Research Symposium Plenary Presentation
Action research: What is it and what is its status in doing research?

Action research is a research movement that has gained considerable currency over the last two decades. Reflective practice and practitioner action research are now widely seen as key aspects of language teacher professional development and teacher education. However, increasingly action research is also being used in educational pedagogic research. But where does action research fit with other more mainstream forms of educational research? What is its status and viability as a research paradigm? Or is it better described as a methodology? Is it a legitimate form of research to use in empirical research projects?

In this presentation, Anne will aim to respond to these questions. She will briefly outline the characteristics of action research and review the principles and processes that inform its theoretical base. She will position it vis à vis other approaches to research and will explore design features that specifically characterise action research. Anne will also touch on what are seen as the limitations of action research and the kinds of critiques that are levelled against it. Her presentation will be illustrated with some examples of action research initiatives undertaken in different parts of the world.

BURNS Anne is Professor of TESOL at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and Professor Emerita in Language Education at Aston University, Birmingham, UK. She has published approximately 15 books and over 100 journal articles and now works mainly with doctoral students who are conducting research on English language teaching and learning, including one from Cambodia. She is also a consultant to Oxford University Press and Cengage/National Geographic Learning. In particular, she enjoys working with teachers all over the world who are interested in reflecting on their practice and using action research in their classrooms to explore issues that puzzle, challenge and excite them about their teaching. Another area of interest is teaching speaking. Her publications include Doing action research in English language teaching (2010, Routledge) and Teaching speaking: A holistic approach (with Christine Goh, 2012, CUP).


Featured Speaker

 Dr. Wayne E. Wright

 Professor and Barbara I.
 Cook Chair of Literacy and Language 
 Purdue University College of Education

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Main Conference Featured Presentation
The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP): Overview and potential applications for Cambodia

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) model (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2013) is a research-based tool for planning and evaluating effective sheltered English content-area instruction for English language learners (ELLs). The SIOP Model is currently the leading approach for content-area instruction for ELLs in the United States of America, where it was originally designed for use in public school K-12 classrooms. The SIOP is now increasingly gaining popularity in ESL and EFL settings in higher education and in countries throughout the world. In this hands-on interactive presentation, an overview of the model will be provided, the research base behind the model will be critically examined, and there will be a discussion on its possible application in Cambodian English-language classrooms. Participants will practice the administration of the SIOP by evaluating a demonstration of a content-based ESL lesson.

WRIGHT E. Wayne is Professor and the Barbara I. Cook Chair of Literacy and Language in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, at Purdue University. Dr. Wright's research related to language and educational policies, programs, and instruction for English language learners and other language minority students has been published widely in books and leading academic journals.

He is Editor of the Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement and is the Book Review Editor for the International Multilingual Research Journal. In addition, he serves on the Editorial Boards of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism; the Journal of Language, Identity, and Education; the International Multilingual Research Journal and Educational Research and Evaluation.

Dr. Wright is the author of Foundations for Teaching English Language Learners: Theory, Research, Policy, Practice (Caslon, 2010), and co-editor of the forthcoming Handbook of Bilingual and Multilingual Education (Wiley-Blackwell, in-press). He has many years of experience teaching in bilingual (Khmer) and ESL classrooms with students from kindergarteners to adults. Dr. Wright was a Fulbright Scholar in Cambodia at the Royal University of Phnom Penh in 2009.


Featured Speaker

 Mr. Virak Chan

 PhD Student in Culture, Literacy and Language
 University of Texas



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Main Conference Featured Presentation
The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP): Overview and potential applications for Cambodia

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) model (Echevarria, Vogt, & Short, 2013) is a research-based tool for planning and evaluating effective sheltered English content-area instruction for English language learners (ELLs). The SIOP Model is currently the leading approach for content-area instruction for ELLs in the United States of America, where it was originally designed for use in public school K-12 classrooms. The SIOP is now increasingly gaining popularity in ESL and EFL settings in higher education and in countries throughout the world. In this hands-on interactive presentation, an overview of the model will be provided, the research base behind the model will be critically examined, and there will be a discussion on its possible application in Cambodian English-language classrooms. Participants will practice the administration of the SIOP by evaluating a demonstration of a content-based ESL lesson.

CHAN Virak is currently a Ph.D student in Culture, Literacy and Language at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), Texas. He has extensive experience in coordinating the MA TESOL at the Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) in Cambodia and in teaching English, and training English teachers at colleges and universities in Cambodia and the USA. His areas of interest include language planning and policies, linguistic landscape, teacher education, teaching writing and curriculum development.


Featured Speaker

 Ms. Debora Flora Floris
 Senior Lecturer
 English Department
 Petra Christian University

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Main Conference Featured Presentation
A look at digital story in second language acquisition

In a broad sense, a digital story consists of a series of still images or short videos that are combined with a narrated soundtrack (Bull & Kadjer, 2004). It is a medium which blends language skills and skills of using basic multimedia tools. For the last few years, digital story has emerged as a powerful source or a tool for second language acquisition. This presentation will discuss how the educational uses of digital story in the language classroom support the principles of instructed second language acquisition proposed by Ellis (2008). In addition, this presentation will include information about suggested activities and simple tools that can be used to develop digital stories. Some challenges and other important factors that both students and teachers should be aware of will also be included in this presentation. Hopefully some of those practical guidelines will help teachers and students in implementing digital story in their classrooms.

FLORIS Flora Debora is a senior lecturer at the English Department of Petra Christian University, Surabaya, Indonesia. She is the coordinator of the English Education Business program. She has published and presented internationally on teachers’ professional development, technology in language teaching, and English as an International Language. She also serves as a member of review or editorial boards of some national and international journals including the Language Education in Asia (LEiA). 


Featured Speaker

 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefanie Shamila Pillai

 Associate Professor
 Department of English Language
 Faculty of Languages & Linguistics
 University of Malaya


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Main Conference Featured Presentation
English and graduate employability in Malaysia

In September 2014, the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, who is also Education Minister, announced that a pass in English will be made compulsory at all public universities. This policy is linked to graduate employability, as a poor command of English among new graduates is a common lament among employers in Malaysia. This issue is highlighted in the National Graduate Employability Blueprint as the number one problem faced by employers when it comes to hiring graduates. A high rate of graduate unemployabilty can have a negative impact on the existing national initiatives which have been put in place to propel Malaysia towards becoming a high-income nation by 2020. The setting up of the ASEAN Economic Community in 2015 also means that graduates will face competition from other ASEAN countries. This paper will discuss the link between English language proficiency and access to jobs based on feedback obtained at a focus group meeting with industry and from interviews with employers. It will also discuss how the University of Malaya is enhancing its English language programmes to increase the proficiency levels and to improve the communicative skills of its graduates.

PILLAI Stefanie is an Associate Professor at the Department of English Language, Faculty of Languages and Linguistics, University of Malaya. She is currently the Faculty’s Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Studies. Her main research interests include the segmental and prosodic features of spoken Malaysian English, English and employability, and the documentation of Malacca Portuguese Creole. Her papers have appeared in journals such as Studies in Second Language Acquisition, World Englishes, English Today, Language & Communication and Higher Education, and in numerous edited books including The Mouton World Atlas of Variation in English. She has been the Chief Editor of the Malaysian Journal of ELT Research since 2010, and is a member of the Editorial Board of Asia TEFL Journal and the Asian EFL Journal. She is also a member of the International Advisory Board of the Journal of Studies in English Language and Education. She was a recipient of the Commonwealth Split-Site PhD Scholarship 2001, and was the 2013 Ian Gordon Fellow at Victoria University Wellington in New Zealand.


The CamTESOL Secretariat gratefully acknowledges the support of the following sponsors and exhibitors to the 

11th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching:


 Principal Sponsor


  • Opening Plenary Speaker (Dr. Willy Renandya)
  • CamTESOL ASEAN Access Program
  • CamTESOL Research Grants
  • CamTESOL Cambodian Provincial Teachers
  • IELTS 7.0 Targeted ASEAN Sponsorship Program



 Conference Partners

Closing Plenary Speaker
(Mr Dieter Bruhn)

Presenters' Warm-up

Regional Research Symposium

and Plenary Speaker
(Prof Anne Burns)


Regional ELT Leadership Forum

Social Functions

Conference Venue
(Institute of Technology of Cambodia)



 Sponsors of CamTESOL Regional ELT Research Grants


 Sponsors of CamTESOL ASEAN Access Program
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors 

Bronze Sponsors



 Sponsors of Cambodian Provincial Teachers
Titanium Sponsors 

Platinum Sponsors

Mr. Andrew Tweed

Gold Sponsor


Silver Sponsors


Prof. Jack Richards

Mr. Kim Ouan

Bronze Sponsors

Ms Marion Bagot

Prof Seamus FaganProf Scott Lyn


Individual Sponsors































































Sin I Miranda




































M Ando












Tina Anne



























 Alexander Edward


 Presentation Session Sponsor






Al Muntanabbi Bookshop

Cam-Active Co., Ltd

Cambridge English Language


Clue&Key, An Imprint of Edubox, Inc

Compass Media

L-Brother Stationay

IDP Education (Cambodia)


Institute of International Education

Southeast Asia

Japan Association for Language


Long Learning Co., Ltd

MacMillan Education

McGraw Hill International Enterprises,


Oxford University Press

English Language Company

National Geographic Learning

Helex Express

Brighton Education Group

Monument Books

Scholastic ASIA

VSO International

Renet Asia

S.I Net

For sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at CamTESOL 2016, keep checking
the CamTESOL website

The CamTESOL Conference Series

is an initiative of IDP Education

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